Date local singles in Hereford
Free dating Hereford
Penelope 31 Bishops Frome

I like to laugh and to enjoy life see new place and be with someone who is caring kind and enjoy life

Dating Hereford

Hereford singles

Welcome to Herefordshire Singles. Come and find love with us - we're your local online dating site. With only members from Herefordshire is far easier to find new relationships that last. No more endless lists of unsuitable matches half way across the country - just simple online dating with people you can actually meet.

Herefordshire Singles keeps it local. There’s no point bosting about having the most number of members if none of them live close by. That’s why we created Herefordshire Singles. We think the best way to find a lasting relationship is to look at the people around you – the people who you have something in common with. Part of the reason we mange to match so many people up is because it’s easy to find someone you have something in common with. The love of that coffee shop or both growing up in Hereford. It’s the small things that build a relationship. Herefordshire Singles can help you grow your next relationship.

Free membership

Membership as 100% free. All you need to get started is a valid email address so we can send you your unique login details. As a free member you can create your own online dating profile with a photo, search and browse members and send messages, winks and icebreakers. Free accounts have limits on messaging. You can upgrade your account to premium for a minimal fee which allows you to send and receive unlimited messages and upload multiple profile pictures. Offering paid upgrades allows us to give you the best possible online dating experience and customer support.

Meet single men looking for a lasting relationship

If you are looking for your dream man in Hereford who is serious about meeting someone for a long term relationship, try a dating site that keeps dating local

Search single women in Hereford

With all our members living or working nearby, the chances of finding love in Hereford are greatly improved by focusing on people looking for love nearby.

Sign up to Herefordshire Singles and find out all about the benefits of dating locally with free registration. Create your personalised profile, add a photo and start browsing through other members’ entries with absolutely no commitment. We will not ask for your credit card, your details well be kept securely, and if you decide we’re not what you’re looking for, you can just close the account down with no further hassle.

Sign up today and get ready to meet new singles from Hereford today.